Witness Stones Project affiliate Salisbury School is is proud to launch its website, Coloring Our Past. We invite you to view the website here.
James Mars Day: A Student Chronicle of Real History

By Clarence Nurse in Intrepid Ed News on January 11, 2022
I wasn’t happy with my school experience in New York City. I wanted more. This class at the Salisbury School (CT) has not only given me more but has also exceeded my wildest expectations about how enjoyable meaningful learning can be. It is now year two, and the course has shown no signs of losing momentum.
A class where all students earn an “A+” might sound suspicious to someone on the outside, but after seeing what we have been able to produce, a better question would likely be “can students earn a higher grade than A+?”
The Story of Elizabeth Freeman
Students at Witness Stone affiliate the Salisbury School have been uncovering the history of slavery in Northwest Connecticut. Here they present the life of Elizabeth Freeman.