By Susan Dunne in the Hartford Courant on August 17, 2022
Connecticut Explored, the nonprofit history magazine, wants to tell stories mainstream history left out, the stories from communities that have been unheard, suppressed or oppressed. The nonprofit has named 20 “Game Changers,” modern-day historians whose methods and subjects go where traditional historians have not gone before.
“We’re a history magazine. We want to tell the whole story of Connecticut history. We are motivated to include people who have not been included before and to represent the diversity of our state geographically an in terms of people and institutions,” said Dr. Kathy Hermes, the magazine’s executive director and publisher.
“They’re doing new things and by virtue of doing new things they’re getting the history that will be the future of the historical enterprise in Connecticut.”
Each “Game Changer” — people, organizations, projects, a book — will be highlighted in free public programs in the coming months. Each will get a feature in the magazine. A gala in October will celebrate their contributions to local lore. Continue reading.