Jack was one of the sixteen known enslaved people held at the Bush-Holley House. He was the oldest child of Candice Bush and the brother of Hester, who were also enslaved by the Bush family. Jack was among the last of the enslaved children born in the Bush-Holley House, along with his sister, Hester, and their peer, Cull Jr. However – unlike the children born the decade before – Jack, Hester, and Cull Jr all lived and worked at the Bush household until they came of age. This meant that Jack had the benefit of growing up with his mother and a tight-knit family group, which was not a common experience for enslaved children of the time.
Jack, Hester, and Cull Jr were all freed by the Gradual Emancipation Acts when they turned 21 years old. Once he was a free man and his choices were his own to make, it appears that Jack chose to leave Greenwich for good. We have not yet discovered records indicating where Jack went to build his new life.